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Empty fields became 17,500 houses in less than three years.


Welcome to Lakewood

Lakewood, incorporated in 1954, covers 9.5 square miles and is home to 80,048 residents. Lakewood is a post-World War II planned community whose building broke records. Empty fields became 17,500 houses in less than three years. A new house was completed every 7 1/2 minutes, 40 to 60 houses per day, with a record 110 completed in a single day. More than 36,000 trees line city streets and shade city parks. About 150 acres of the city are devoted to parks and other landscaped open spaces.

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Josh’s ability to understand his clients needs has propelled him to one of the top agents in the South Bay, and he is continuously looking for new ways to help his clients achieve their goals.
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